What is the VDC program?  The Veteran Directed Care Program pays for qualified Veterans to receive services and support to help them maintain independence in their own homes.  Eligibility is determined by the Geriatric Extended Care Assessment (GEC) which is administered by a nurse at the VA Medical Clinic.  The GEC determines the amount of money available each month to pay for Personal Care Aide (PCA) hours or other authorized services and supports.  A feature of the Veteran’s budget is a savings account where unused budget funds will be held. The Veteran may determine if he/she would like to designate a portion of their budget in order to save for an authorized purchase.   Any unused funds will be returned to the VA at the end of the 6 or 12 month Authorization Period.  Once eligible, Veteran is reassessed every 6 or 12 months to ensure they are receiving an appropriate amount of care related to their needs.  (https://www.va.gov/GERIATRICS/pages/Veteran-Directed_Care.asp)

Veterans Directed Care (VDC) Covered Service Area:

Montana covered area counties are Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Sanders including the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Reservation.

North Idaho Counties are Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, Latah, Shoshone, and Nez Perce.

Washington Counties are Pend Oreille and limited services in Spokane.

Service Coordinators:

Emilianne Lansdown, Office: 406-883-7284 or 406-872-2279  Cell: 406-471-7114

Email: Emiliannel@area6aging.org Serving Montana Counties

Christy Huling, Cell: 208-610-8000

Email: Christyh@area6aging.org Serving Idaho Counties, Western Lincoln County Montana and limited Washington Counties

Bill Steele, 208-916-6251

Email: Bills@area6aging.org Serving Idaho Counties and limited Washington Counties

Katrina Coffman, 208-255-8361

Email: Katrinac@area6aging.org Serving Idaho Counties and limited Washington Counties

Cherie Caldwell 208-819-2828

Email: Cheriec@area6aging.org Serving Idaho Counties and limited Washington Counties



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