Lake County Council on Aging

POLSON SENIOR CENTER      406-883-4735

Open 8-3 Monday through Friday.

Lunch is served at 11:45 Monday through Friday.

Exercise with our group Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:30 to 11:30.

Join us for Mahjong on Wednesday starting at 12:30.

On Thursdays we play Pinochle from 12:30 to 2:30.

And on Friday, we have Bingo at 7pm.

A Veteran Representative visits every 1st Friday and 3rd Tuesday from 10-12.

And a person from the hearing clinic comes to check hearing-aids from 9-11 every 4th Tuesday.


We are open for lunch Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Wednesday at noon! We also do bagged lunches on those days, pickup is from 11:15 to 12:30 Please call for more information!


Meals are served Monday and Wednesday at noon and the second and fourth Saturday evenings at 5 pm.

Meals are also available for pick up. Call before 9 AM the day of to place an order


Meals are served every Tuesday and Friday at noon and on the first and third Wednesday evenings of every month at 5:30 p.m. The weekly menu is in the Valley Journal. On the second and fourth Wednesday there is a bagged dinner. If enough people come, we play Bingo after meals.

Ronan Indian Senior Center 406-676-5495

Meals Tuesday and Thursday at Noon.

Polson Indian Senior Center 406-883-8644

Meals Wednesday and Friday at Noon.

Arlee Indian Senior Center 406-726-3221​

Meals Tuesday and Thursday at Noon.

Elmo Indian Senior Center 406-849-5022

Meals Wednesday and Friday at Noon.

St. Ignatius Indian Senior Center 406-745-4240

Meals Wednesday and Friday at Noon.