Update: They have changed the date to. Thanksgiving day. It will be aired somewhere between 11 and noon on Good Morning America.
Hi Everyone: So yes I will be on Good Morning America Nov. 18th and yes this was a huge surprise too me also. I pray that this will bring about help with food that we could use for our families here and possibly help with other items. You will never understand how hard it is for me too have to turn someone down for food,, but I do run out. I prayed that God would open the flood gates and send us lots of food.. When I got this phone call my heart almost stopped. So I’m asking everyone to Please pray for great results from this. And a huge Thank you to all the wonderful folks at Good Morning America for your reaching out to help our community in Montana. God Bless you all and please keep in mind what I have been saying from the very beginning. When you keep your focus on God and you follow thru with what he asks you to do, he will open many doors for you.
Thank you Nancy for all you do and have done for this community.