Thank you Centers!

I would like to reach out to Kootenai Senior Citizen Center, Tobacco Valley Senior Center, and Senior Citizens of Lincoln Co. for letting me visit their centers and speak about our program of helping Seniors with the electronic devices and share getsetup with them. I had a wonderful time with all of you. Thanks again!

Medicare Information Links

Medicare Information Links below: Low-Income Subsidy Medicare  Extra Help Program Medicare and Medicaid Guide for Low-Income Recipients How Do I Talk to a Real Person at the Social Security Office

Charlo Senior Center

Yesterday April 14, 2022 I visited the Charlo Senior Citizen Center for getsetup education time.  We had a very good turnout, thank you for having me.  We watched a getsetup class online and we learned a few things.  That is always a plus.  I had a wonderful noon time meal as always.  I would like

Keep your home Wi-Fi safe in 6 simple steps

Keep your home Wi-Fi safe in 6 simple steps How much do you rely on your home Wi-Fi? If you’re like most people, you use it for online banking, for paying your credit card, for reserving hotel rooms, for chatting with friends and for watching movies. That’s a lot of activity. And in many cases, everything from laptops and phones to security systems, thermostats, and

Charity Scams – what to avoid

9 Tips to Avoid Charity Scams by Norton Lifelock Scammers have long relied on the good intentions of Americans to trick them into giving money to fake charities. For example, a variety of charity scams related to the Ukraine crisis have appeared, often claiming to seek donations for humanitarian aid. You can help avoid falling victim to a fake

Arlee Senior Center

Good morning, April 18, 2022, after the noon meal we will be at Arlee Senior Center working on your electronic devices and going onto an actual class online with “getsetup”.  “getsetup” is an online community of people who want to learn new skills with others. They have created a safe, social, and interactive learning environment